Useful Links:

World War II
http://www.military.discovery.com --American Heroes Channel on the Discovery Network
http://www.nationalww2museum.org--the National WW II Museum
http://www.rd.com--Reader's Digest has a great relationship with veterans and their stories
http://www.wwiihistorymagazine.com--WW II History Magazine
http://www.historynet.com/worldwar2-- WW II Magazine
http://www.historynet.com/military-history--Military History Magazine
http://worldwar2history.info/Bulge--WW II History site
http://www.historynet.com/mhq--The Quarterly Journal of Military History
http://www.armchairgeneral.com--Armchair General Magazine
http://www.screamingeagle.org-- The 101st Airborne Association
http://www.ww2airborne.net/463pfa/index.html--Official website of the 463rd Parachute Field Artillery Association
http://www.101airborneww2.com--Trigger Time, Mark Bando's website on the 101st Airborne
http://www.criba.be/index.php--Center Of Research And Information On The Battle Of The Bulge
http://www.ibiblio.org/hyperwar--Hyper Text: A Hyper Text of the Second World War
http://www.loc.gov/vets--Veterans History Project of the US National Archives
http://niehorster.orbat.com--Website for the World War II Armed Forces Order of Battle
http://infanterie-regiment77.org--Website for the 77th Volksgrenadier Regiment
http://www.lexikon-der-wehrmacht.de--German Website for the Germany Armed Forces in WWII
http://www.feldgrau.com--English Website Research on the German armed forces 1918-1945
http://www.veteransofthebattleofthebulge.org/ -- Great website run by Bulge veterans.
https://www.titlemax.com/articles/cars-tanks-airplanes-of-wwii/ -- Great website for WWII history.
https://www.carcovers.com/resources/12-amazing-facts-you-probably-didnt-know-about-WWII-jeeps -- Fun website about Jeeps in WWII.
2010 - present
2010 - present